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Thursday, 2 August 2007

Behavioral pattern mapping is inevitable

So Google IS wary of behavioral targeting...


Either Google is really worried and thinking OR this is a PR activity. Either ways, its good that they and hopefully all the others are looking at that in the right context and that is commendable for a leader.

But, i do think its inevitable to do behavioral pattern mapping. If Google doesn't do it, someone else will. Therefore its important that industry leaders like Google think about the future and start defining "how it should be done" rather than being wary and not doing it.

We need to put together a system where application providers like Google own the patterns that they come up with and can use it to design applications, but don't own people's personal data. People themselves own their personal data and the data is protected by an independent vendor who gets a commission for this service. Finally, service providers pay people for the data when they use it. This way there will be a separation of interests as far as ownership is concerned, and hopefully prevent misuse.


Rajesh Anandakrishnan said...


Good blog. Its a new innovative idea you are talking about. It can be a new application of its own.

Nice to see blogs on HCI & usability & design.

Also visit my blog and blogroll www.suggestusability.com

Anonymous said...

here is something close to what you are talking about "users own their attention". http://www.apml.org/

here is an app based off of apml.

- adi

saumitri said...

Yes, there are several related concepts and apml is one of them.

apml is a good implementation of attention mapping.

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